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User:Klaus Piotrik Qais Felli-Littmann

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Klaus Piotrik Qais Felli-Littmann
— Wikipedian —

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Picture of the Day.¤
Icon This user has been on Wikipedia for 14 years, 4 months and 3 days.

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Chestnut-naped antpitta
The chestnut-naped antpitta (Grallaria nuchalis) is a species of bird in the antpitta family, Grallariidae. Found in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, it inhabits bamboo stands in temperate to humid montane forest, and in the undergrowth of adjacent forest that lacks bamboo, at elevations between 2,000 and 3,000 metres (6,600 and 9,800 feet). It is known to feed on insects and other invertebrates, and sings mostly at dawn and dusk, usually from a hidden low perch. This chestnut-naped antpitta of the subspecies G. n. ruficeps was photographed in Las Tángaras, a nature reserve in Chocó Department, Colombia.Photograph credit: Charles J. Sharp

Hello, I am Peter Littmann a user from Neukölln(Berlin), Germany. I created my account on November 27, 2010, 14 years, 123 days ago, I have made over 5,712(over all Wikis) contributions to Wikipedia. I have created 333 articles, which are listed here. I love peace and social partnership.

I was born on 29 October 1965 in Wedding(Berlin), Germany in the . I am just a poor man like many of my neighbors here in Neukölln. But I think, money is not really worth to think about it and worry about it. People and Friendship with them is all what counts in real life. Money comes and money goes, but the relationship with your friends may hopefully to stay for the rest of your life.

Don't Worry, Be Happy!



Wishes where I tried to assist


[1] my user page in my native language and country:German